Big Little Lies

"Big Little Lies" is an HBO TV series that first aired in 2017. It's available on Amazon now as well. I would say it is primarily a women focused series. The first season has 7 episodes and the cast includes some mega stars: Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon and Shailene Woodley. It also includes Laura Dern, who I remembered best from "Jurassic Park". A second season is in the works that will include Meryl Streep. The series has won 8 Emmy awards.

The story is set in Monterey California and focuses on the lives of the three leading women and their relationships with their children, neighbors, and the men in their lives. The series is a bit rough in parts with plenty of foul language and some troubling scenes of abuse. The story begins with the police called to the scene of an open air party where someone has been killed. The rest of the show consists of flashbacks to everything that happened prior to then, interspersed with brief police interviews of neighbors. But the killing is not the only mystery. Who has been bullying a little girl in first grade? Who is the father of the little boy conceived after a date went sour and turned into rape? And will the raped mother take her revenge? What, if anything, will one of the wives do about her abusive husband? It is only in the final (seventh) episode that all the mysteries are resolved.

You can read more about it at the link below, but spoilers will ruin the enjoyment and suspense.


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